Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Yesterday, as we were driving home from dropping Sierra off at school MJ said, "Mom, where is dad?" I said, "He is working. He works hard for us so we can have a house and food." She said, "Oh, daddy is so nice."

Nate didn't make it home in time for dinner last night. He is taking a class on how to restore implants. MJ said, "Where is daddy? One is missing." She pointed to his chair. Then she said, "There is one, two, three girls and ones missing, which one is missing Sara's." Sierra said, "All the girls are here." MJ respond, "No, ones missing, daddy!" (All people are still girls to her.)

This morning she went on a five minute monologue about how much she misses her father and how much she loves him, she kept saying, "I miss him so much. I luf him so much. Where is daddy?"

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