Sunday, July 24, 2011


I love Madison faces.

Yesterday, we went on a picnic to the park.
Sierra rode her bike without training wheels. She was excited and proud.
We took a box of cereal and some milk and paper bowls and spoon.
They loved eating and playing.

On the way back home Sierra crashed.
Afterwards she said that it was worse day ever and we shouldn't have come to the park.
She did skin her elbow pretty bad.

Don't worry it got better...
We went to the thrift store and found a full china set for five dollars.
We are excited to use it for an upcomming tea party/birthday party.
Then we got snow cones and the snow shack.
We stopped off that the red box on the way home and bought Tangled for five dollars.
I thought it was quit the deal since all my DVD's are scratched anyway.
I was suprised it didn't skip at all, so it is settled I will do it again.

I almost finished Emily's blanket.
I have to send it off to my sister tomorrow.
Then I went to Sister K's farm and planted herbs and made jam perserves.
All in all, a full day. It was perfect day.

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