Saturday, July 2, 2011


 Yesterday, we went to the library.
Sierra makes me laugh at her book choices. She always visits the non-fiction section and picks out books on things she is interested in. This times it was frogs.
She is allowed to pick out one movie each time we visit. This time the movie she chose was about ocean life.

Last night, Nate's best friend from dental school Ryan flew in from Indiana.
He was leaning on the counter looking at a jar of insects Sierra caught yesterday on the farm.
He laughed and said, "You two already have a boy."
I insisted we didn't and that we are still going to have a little boy.
He smiled and said, "Well that Sierra certainly is a tomboy."

I didn't argue because I love Ryan and he meant it as a compliment. I agree with him that her father couldn't have hand picked a better little compainion. However, Sierra is so many thing and I hate the title of tomboy. She is a princess, a lover of fairies, and mermaids. She loves to dress up and play with her doll house. She loves her princess polly pockets. She loves her long hair and especially loves it when it is curled. She loves having her nails painted. Yes, she has a huge fascination with all things nature. She loves plants, rocks, insects, and all animals. She loves to hike, camp, and fish. She loves to read about all sorts of things from princesses to frogs. I love all these things about her. She is very much a girly-girl that loves nature.
(And that is my two cents about it. :)

On another note...
Yesterday, because she reached her reading goal she got to pick a prize from the librarian.
She picked a multi-colored light stick.
For fun, we went in the closet and drew with light.
It was really fun.
These are Sierra's pictures.

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