Sunday, February 12, 2012


Sierra and I finished reading Little House on the Prairie. She loved every word of it. I loved every word of it. Admittedly, despite being raised on the evening television episodes my fingers had never opened the cover. I think the one thought that struck me the most as I read the pages was the absolute resilience and optimism of the American spirit. It is hard in our society to understand how people survived on so very little with no certainty of the future and despite it were grateful. I was so touched by this little family's story and believe it is a must read for any age.

In the back of the book there were a few pages on building the set for the "The Little House on the Prairie Musical." She wanted to build her own set. We went to Michael's and bought these little wood gingerbread people. They were 5 for 39 cents. Then we bought popsicle sticks to build the house, which were only a couple of dollars. She spent all evening building her little house.

She took her little scene away to her bedroom. I could hear her from the kitchen retelling the stories we had shared cuddled up on my bed together. My heart was full. I thought, before now Laura and Mary were characters in a book, but now they live in her little tiny hands.

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