Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Saturday, we went and picked up hay with Sister K and her husband Chuck. We had a blast. They purchased a new type of feed for the cows. It was corn, corn husks, and dry corn leaves. When we pulled away we knew we were in trouble. The corn was lightly packed, so when the truck picked up speed it started blowing all over the freeway. Sister K and I were following behind. She said stay close behind Chuck. I was a little leery of the idea. Then a corn husk smacked the wind shield. I started laughing. I said, "Are you sure?" She said, "Of course." We laughed all the way home as we traveled through a blizzard of corn fragments.

We then went to Sam's Club and Chuck and K treated us to hotdogs and sundaes. Madison ate almost her entire hotdog. The hotdog was as big as her head.

Sunday, we were invited over for a family dinner. We all brought a part of the meal. Brother Bob and his wife were there and Sister K and Chuck and some other family. It was so nice to be apart of a family. (I felt that way in Pittsburgh when Shandra invited us over for family dinner.) There was a big snow storm that picked up while we were dinning in the warmth of their home. As we watched the snow fall down, we commited to take the girls sledding the next day.

Monday, Chuck and K shoveled my sidewalks at 6:00am. Aren't they sweet? Then I got a text from them saying we are going to take you sledding. I put warm clothes on the girls and met up with them. They drove us up to their favorite place to sled. It was a riot. The girls had so much fun. They giggled and giggled.

I laughed at the back of Sierra's head when we finished sledding. Isn't it great? Sister K turned off the airbags so Sierra could ride in the front seat and warm herself. Before you could blink, she had her shoes and socks off and her bright pink toes propped up and resting on the heater vent of Sister K's car. It is a good thing we are family.

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