Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Sister K organized us all at church on Sunday. Sister El needed help pruning her apple trees. We were all to meet there at 1:00. I am pretty sure I was the most unhelpful person on the plant. It was a beautiful day and I couldn't help getting a little camera crazy. Sister Max, the one sitting, told us stories of when she owned her own orchard. Sister K said that she was there for her expert advice. She laughed at this and said, "I wanted apples the next year, so I never pruned my own trees." She did sit and entertain us with stories though. Sister K attacked the tree with Lily. Lily has a few apple trees on her property and wanted to learn. Sister K didn't like her picture taken, can you tell?

Sister Max told stories and played hide-and-seek with little Miss MJ. She talked of a relation who called her this week. She said she is older and now lives on her own. She asked Sister Max advice on how to protect herself and her valuables. Sister Max said, "Get a gun." The lady shyly asked, "Do you have a gun?" Sister Max said, "You bet I do!" The lady aghast said, "What are you afraid of?" Sister Max said, "Not a damn thing." Then she chuckled at her whit and said, "You know Lisa I typically don't swear but that moment warranted it." I love my friends.

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