Tuesday, August 28, 2012


She flings him over her shoulder and carries him around the backyard.
She drags him by his tail and by his neck.
She hauls him to the top of the slide and slides down with him.
She plays hide-and-go Eddy with her sister and him.
One of them hides the cat, the other finds him.
She basically tortures him.
She giggles her lungs out when he climbs the wood singset posts.
She giggles when she sees him chase a bug in the grass.
She loves him more than any creature she has ever known.
I hope he makes it.
I hope he doesn't turn mean.
I hope he is patient with her.
Because she sure loves him.
And you know what, I think he knows that because he runs to her everytime she opens the back door.
And last night the sprinklers came on and scared him and he ran away, but this morning he was purring at the front door waiting for some one to love, torcher him again.

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