Monday, September 24, 2012


I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am!!!
About a year ago I was at Sister Trevenan's house.
We were looking at all of the her old fabric in storage.
She has some from her mother and her mother's sister.
It was beautiful.
I said, "I would give anything to own this fabric."
It may have been a subtle, or not so subtle implication that really meant, "Please! please! please! can I have this fabric."
Obviously picking up on my not so subtle implication, she said, "I am going to pass this fabric onto my grandchildren."
I was a little heart broken and have thought about the beautiful vintage fabric scraps from time to time.
Then out of the blue I got a call this week it was from Sister Trevenan. She said, "One of the boxes of fabric was actually my mother's sister's and I don't think my grandchildren really care about it, so if you want it??"
I practically screamed into the phone... YES!
She brought it over two days ago. I have been touching every piece and loving it.
Yesterday, I got this crazy hair to make a quilt for my king size bed out of one inch hexagons. My goal to get it done by Christmas.
Hexagons have to be hand pieced. I am using an English paper piecing method my friend Shelly taught me Pittsburgh, which is fun.
 I am pretty sure I won't make my goal, but I have to have a goal or it may just never get it done and that would make me really sad.
So, wish me luck!
I will picture my project here from time to time.

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