Saturday, September 15, 2012


 Kay got a Dexter Cow and it's calf, yesterday.
Isn't little Miss Brown Cow the cutest thing.
She got the Dexter Cow to milk, but she is so mean and onery that we don't think it is going to be possible to milk her.
Bitter, Sweet.
Cause I was hoping for fresh milk and cream once a week.
However, I am not going to miss milking her.
Dexter Cow's are really small and very cute.
This calf is so sweet and tiny.
The kids tried to bottle feed her but she didn't want to have anything to do with it.
Then they fed her corn stalk leaves. She loved it.
We will have to go feed her more tomorrow.
Sierra just loved her and wanted to keep her.
She asked Sister Kay, "What are you going to do with the baby calf when it get's to be winter?"
Kay said, "I am going to put him in your bedroom."
Sierra said, "Then it will poop and pee all over my room."
Kay said, "Well, I guess you will have to clean it up."
Sierra said, "What about the goats?"
Kay said, "I think they can fit in your room too."
Sierra said, "What about the chickens?"
Kay said, "Hmmm. Your dad's room."
Sierra said, "Be serious."
Kay laughed.
We picked more tomatoes and found some turkey eggs.
I asked Kay if she had every tried eating turkey eggs.
She said, "No, go home and try them."
I do not want to be the guniea pig.
Anyone want to come over and try a turkey egg omlet tomorrow? Anyone?

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