Tuesday, May 14, 2013


 Last week was busy and wonderful. I am sad I didn't blog about it.
Thursday, I took the girls and James to the park and we ordered a pizza and played on the merry-go-round and ate.
Friday, we went on an early morning hike with all my friends. I made an infant carrier with three t-shirts. Using this tutorial.
(It worked well. My friend Barbara doubted its safety, especially after I told her about the woman's rebuttal video, but it worked amazingly well. I just needed smaller t-shirts. Next time. He actually really liked it too. My children have never liked infant carriers. Plus, it was super easy to make, no sewing involved. I did use a belly-band from my pregnancy instead of the third t-shirt and I think that made it better.) We hiked nearby and the kids played in the bowl and all through the red sandstone rock. I wish I had of had my camera but it is hard to pack a three month old and large camera. I need one of those pocket cameras for those days.
Then all my friends came over for whole-wheat pancakes and honey-butter afterwards.
Saturday, we went as a family to the park and had a picnic with Nate's Assistant Samantha, AKA Sam and her husband and three darling children. James fussed most of the time. He hates his car seat and being outside but we are trying to adjust. We can't be hermits for ever.
I spoke in church on Mother's Day. I used Elder Bednar's talk In the Strength of the Lord as the bases of my talk. It really is a life changing talk. Read it, if you haven't. It has changed the way I live motherhood.
Nate bought me a beautiful three foot orchid. I love it.
Yesterday and this morning I spent scrubbing the house. The owners are selling it and I needed to prepare it to be videoed and photographed. Yes, that means we will have to move again. I am having a really rough time with the idea. I am praying they never sale the home. I just don't want to move ever again. Sadly, we won't be ready to buy for two more years. SIGH. I am praying something amazing works out.

This afternoon I taught the Art Heritage class at Sierra's school.

Afterwards, the girls said it was so hot they needed to run in the sprinklers. I searched the shed for a sprinkler head but came up with a bucket, PVC pipe, and a head to a water can instead. It worked.

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