Saturday, May 4, 2013


 This picture was taken Thursday. I am surprised it has taken me this long to upload them.
Surprised and not surprised.
It has been a really long week.
Sierra hates going to bed at night, which was fine (not really) before she had school.
Funny, when she was little no matter how late she got to bed she was always up at 7:00am.
Now that she is in school, she still won't fall asleep before 10:00pm despite the fact that I put her in bed at 8:00pm, but she can't get up in the morning.
Barbara comes by to pick her up at 8:30. (Thankfully, because I don't know how I would do it with baby James.)
She was still asleep at 8:18. I had woken her up several times.
And yes, she is sleeping in my bed...... ahhhh.
What am I going to do with that girl?
My week has been crazy, embarassing, and hard.
We get to move again, yeah!
We were looking at buying the perfect little house.
It wasn't meant to be and broke my heart a little, although I am over it now.
So, we are looking to rent again.
Everything I look at costs way more than our mortgage would have been, and is half the size. 
I pray something works out soon.
I am a little nervous about it, but I am trying to trust in my Father-in-Heaven again.
He has never let me down. 

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