Wednesday, February 24, 2016


 I bathed these babies this morning. (No small feat.) They smell so handsome. I clipped their nails and then went upstairs and sat on the floor and read to them and played with them. Then I put Ashton down for his nap. (My house is a mess see exhibit one below.) I have four loads of laundry to fold and I didn't do the dishes last night before I went to bed. The trash is always on the table or the counter anymore because Ashton empties it or eats from it. I know. YUCK. However, I don't care. I am focusing on being a good mother this week not a good homemaker. I don't know how to do both but I will work on the later while my babies are napping.
(Exhibit 1)
I love that my plants are thriving. They are so happy. I hoping they will be just as happy when they need to be planted in the garden.
  I love this little boy and his sweet hands.

These are the books I am reading with my babies this month. James loves The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh and so do I. It is my favorite chapter book for children. It is the only book I have read twice with my children, well that and the secret garden, which is another all time favorite. I love reading the classics to my children out loud. I am so glad my sweet sister-in-law Katrina gave me this collection of Mark Twain's books. Sierra and I have been giggling as we have read Tom Sawyer together. Madison has never seen the movie Charlotte's Web, how did I miss that? I am glad. She is hanging on every word and always begs to read more every night. I love the time I read with my children and I feel it is sacred time. Thus why the dishes aren't done from last night. They can wait, because babies don't keep.

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