Sunday, February 7, 2016


Today was Fast Sunday. Sierra realized it right as the German pancakes were coming out of the oven. She wasn't happy about it. I told her I didn't care if she didn't fast, it was her choice, she was old enough to choose. I really didn't care. I was horrible at fasting growing up. I remember even as a teenager hiding in the pantry and eating toast or whatever I could find. I hated Fast Sunday and I saw very little point in starving myself. It just didn't make sense to me.
I was proud of my sweet daughter when she forwent the German pancakes and decided to Fast.
Well, it is the beginning of a new week and I can hear, mostly and everyone is well and mom feels like dancing. Hallelujah. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father. January was a rough month but February is looking better.

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