Sunday, February 18, 2018


I have crashed hard today. I am not sure why or what is going on. Both my girls have pneumonia, Ashton had a fever it broke. James looks like he has pneumonia. Nate is delirious. I have the worst cough and have zero energy. I am scheduled to have this baby in eight days! Why! I can't even begin to explain how hard the last month has been. Sierra at this point has missed a total of three weeks of school. Madison has missed close to that. Winter break never ended. I am trying to get use to my new normal. I just don't know if I have enough inner strength to keep going. I broke down sobbing last night. I have had several friends offer to bring in meals or drop off juice or cough drops. I have been so grateful but what I need more than anything is someone to come sit with my little ones and tend to them while I take a nap. No one wants to come within five feet of my home and I don't blame them, but I have no family in town and if I could get a one hour nap... I could make it, but being up all night and all day tending to these sick little ones is breaking me. I don't think ever in the history of the McKnight home have we ever been so sick, with so many of us sick at once. Pray for us.

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