Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Good Things to Come

This has been one of my favorite talks all my life and seems to be the story of my life. I love it. I feel it is one of God's tender mercies that it is the video for this month. Oh, how I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh, how I love our latter-day apostals. Oh, how I love my life. May you watch it and allow it to bouy your spirits too.


DJ said...

Wow. Lisa, God is aware of you. If that is not an answer to a prayer I don't know what is. Thanks for sharing; my heart was touched. I love you!

Elizabeth said...

Losa, Thank-you. That was an answer to a prayer. And even though I have heard that talk before and absolutely love it, I tend to forget. You have been an answer to a prayer on a few occasions, but I needed that today. I love you! Mom

Caroline Craven said...

Hi Lisa,
I know you told me how to do these video thingys, but I haven't really figured it out yet or tried to figure it out. The computer is just too intimidating. I love this video and it brought a tear to my eyes. I'm going to refer all three of my blog commenters to your blog, if that's okay.

Packing to move is such a pain and also so liberating. It helps when your daughters are older and you are so attached to their old toys you can't throw them out. The girls really pitched in when we moved from CA because I was stuck not being able to get rid of the things that were precious to me (i.e., their old junky toys). It is nice to purge the junk.

I loved the pictures from the water park. Your story of MJ wanting to carry water and the look on her face is priceless. I also love the picture of Sierra under the umbrella fountain - so cool.

Paul and Em said...

You were inspired. Thanks for this today. Thanks for calling yesterday too. I couldn't have a better sister.