Thursday, June 10, 2010


The girls and I went to the splash park today. It was so much fun. It was actually warm outside and the sun was shining. The water was freezing but it was still loads of fun.
I love MJ's faces they make me laugh. She wouldn't go near the water again this year. I did get her to splash in the spill over water with her feet. She did dangle a toe under one of the sprayers but that was it. She just wanted me to go and fill her bucket with water and then she wanted to carry it around. That's all.
Sierra of course ran over to the on button if the water even slightly diminished in strength and ran through the water over and over and over. She was chilled to the bones and shaking but didn't want to leave.
She insisted at least that we had to stay until our friends left.
This was her favorite spot.
And this. The warm cement. Ahhh, all snugly.


Katrina said...

i used to do the same thing when i was little, lay on the warm cement that is:)

Jessica said...

What a fun park! I would love something like that around here. It would also be nice if there was a warm enough day to enjoy it too! I love the picture of her surrounded by the water!