Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well here is in update of sorts....

We are down to our pennies.
We didn't want to pay a lot of money to move.
We took our moving money and bought a trailer to hook to the back of the 4-runner and head back across the country.
Buying the used trailer was more economical.
Yes, we are red necks, mostly my husband but hey I am along for the ride.
Now we are the proud owners of a trailer and we like to stare out the window at how rad it is, every few hours.
I hope it fits all my sewing stuff.
He hopes it fits all the rad fishing stuff.
We are going to have a war.
We have a lot of stuff that won't fit. It is in the living room and ready to have a new home. Maybe we will have a party and invite all our friends and beg them to carry some of it away.
Nate called Colorado. They said he should have his license in a week.
We are so happy.
He can start working in a week.
We don't have a place to live. However, my mom lives three hours away. We may hang there until all the pieces come together.
Nate may hang out by the river, work during the day and be a fishing bum at night. I am fearful the locals will see him bathing in the river and say, "Yep, that's our new dentist.
Never thought at the end of this journey we would have less pennies than at the beggining. Hopefully, that will change soon enough.
We are going to miss our friends.
Should pull away beginning of next week.
We are excited and we are sad.


Jessica said...

Wow, that will be quite the adventure. I am sure your family will be so happy to have you closer. Good Luck with the drive!

Sarah Keith said...

I can't believe it is here. I am so sad to see you go. I love you Lisa. Let me know if you need anything!

Chrystal said...

I just have to laugh at your post...Are you tired yet? ;) I hope you will stay at your parents, that means I will get to see you. Goodluck with the drive and finding a new house.

Brianna and Byron Putnam said...

I love this post! I hope that everything all works out (especially fitting in the sewing AND fishing stuff). I was cracking up about the bathing in the river comment haha, too funny! good luck :)

Elizabeth said...

Lisa this makes me laugh. I love the post, "Yep, that's our new dentist. Love it. Thanks, Mom