Friday, December 24, 2010


I took the girls on a little nature hike up Dinasaur Hill. I took my camera to take pictures of nature and the event. Sierra wanted a camera too. I let her use my old one as long as she was very careful. She was. As we got closer to the top the hill turned into an icky-sticky mess. Sierra had at least three inches of mud stucked to her boots. Madison couldn't walk anymore. I knew if we made it over the ridge it was a shorter distances to the car, but Sierra kept sliding and falling into the mud and her little legs were practically cemented in place. I picked up MJ and took Sierra's hand and we got off the muddy trail and just hussled down the side of the hill. When we got to the bottom, we still had a long way to go. Sierra said, "I can't do this." I said, "Yes, you can. You are so brave." She said, "I am not brave. I am scared." I said, "Being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared it just means you will do it anyway." She was a trooper and made it all the way to the car. When she saw the car she got excited and even jogged the last few feet. When we arrived we were all sporting three inches of mud on her shoes. There was a couple at the base and they were headed out. Sierra yelled, "You don't want to go up there. There is a lot of icky sticky mud." They laughed. I am sure the locals are aware you don't hike that hill in the winter. Sigh.

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