Thursday, June 16, 2011


Summer is great, but when my girls are cooped up the teasing escaltes and I don't handle it well.
I have been trying to fill their days with activities.
Monday, we went on a long hike.
Tuesday, we went to the swimming pool for half the day.
Wednesday, we went to a friends house and had a play date.
Today, I was reading a really good book. It talks about service.
I have a strong desire to serve and to teach my children to serve, but often I don't know where to begin.
I remembered something Elder Scott said last conference about his wife.
She used to pray every day for an opportunity to serve. She was always guided to what she should do.
Well, I gave it a try.
I was blessed this morning.
We went to a friends home. Thankfully, I needed to return a bucket she had lent us a year ago.
She let the girls gather eggs from her chicken, feed the cows, and pick strawberries from her strawberry patch. I cut spinach from her garden and she helped me pull garlic and onions.
She gave us fresh corn from her freezer.
She let the girls swing on her tire swing and jump on her trampoline.
I wasn't really able to serve her, but I was so blessed. (Service,has always worked that way in my life. I have always been lifted by those I have tried to lift.)
I asked her if we could come back next Thursday. She said we could.
Her garden is large and a bit more than she can handle. She is going to let us come and pull weeds. I am so grateful. I know the world today would find it odd to be grateful for hard work. But I am so grateful, the girls don't tease eachother when they are working.

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