Tuesday, June 14, 2011


MJ, CC, and I went for a hike.
There was no map, but I figured I couldn't get lost.
It is kind of how I learned out to drive in Pittsburgh, without a cell phone or GPS and in a manual. (That last part is significant, even though it might not seem like it. Pittsburgh is made up of hills and driving a manual can be tricky.)
You drive where ever you want to, just make sure you keep track of large landmarks in your mind. When you are ready to go home just follow them backwards.
I did get lost in Pittsburgh, but never so lost I couldn't find my way back home.
Well, I used the same philosophy hiking. It worked, but the philosophy shouldn't be test when you are accompanied by a two year old and you decide to start your hike at 9:00am in the desert.
The hike took twice as long as it should of and I ended up carrying MJ at least half the hike. My back muscles are still sore.
While we were hiking, CC saw a gorgeous pink flower.
She said, "I need to pick that flower." I reminded her that we leave the flowers alone but we can take pictures.
She said, "Well, what if someone else picks it. ...Oh, I don't think anyone else will pick it because it is a cactus flower." I laughed. She said, "Why are you laughing?" I said, "I am laughing because you are so right."

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