Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Almost every day before bed you will find me laying next to my girls reading them their favorite stories.
Story time before bed is my children's favorite time of the day.
Often, it is my favorite time of the day too.
MJ loves to read.
Lately, she gets upset if she doesn't get to read at least every other page.
I just point to the words and say them. She then repeats them. This is reading to her.
I am certain it will give her a good foundation for reading when she is ready, so I don't mind.

I giggle sometimes at how much life changes.
I remember when I was 21 I went to the library and got a library card.
I checked out some books and brought them home and was reading them
My father was a little stunned and said, "Lisa, you own a library card?"
He had every right to react is such a manner. I have never liked reading.

Yet, here I am at 32 with this massive goal to inspire my children to love something I detested.
A thousand things I am sure but I am also sure a lot of it can be attributed to their father and my father who are both much the same way.
If there is something they want to learn, they learn it in a book.
Nate knew very little about fly fishing when we were first married and most of what he has learned has come from books.

I want my children to know the same thing their father knows, you can learn almost anything from a book.
And the ability to read is power.

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