Friday, February 14, 2014


These three are the culmination of the love Nate and I share.
They are the living legacy of that love
They are the immortality of that love.
Long after the earth has claimed Nate and I as it's own, the love we share will go on living and breathing, because our love is them.
It walks and breathes and giggles.
When I look into my James's face I see my Nathan.
When I see my Sierra's determination I see my Nathan.
When I see my Madison's quiet, peaceful ways I see my Nathan.
And so much more.
When I see James's mischief I see myself.
When I see Sierra's need to make everyone laugh I see myself.
When I see Madison's happy ways I see myself.
And so much more.
They are a living symbol that Nate and I are one.
They are everything good about each of us individually coming together.
I love them so much.
Because I love them I love Nathan.
Because I love Nathan I love them.
They are perfect.
They are mine.
They are the best Valentine's present anyone could give me.
Happy Valentines.

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