Wednesday, August 12, 2015


He is army crawling. I love it. He is adorable. He can get anywhere he wants to! I did a little bit better on my obnoxious baby voice. I was proud. You should be too. He is growing in marvelous ways.
My favorite part of the day was when James pointed to his eyelashes and said, "Ashton has eyelashes. Mommy has eyelashes. James have eye...yyy..yyy....lashes." It was a big word and a new discovery. He said it perfectly the first two time but the last time it got caught on his tongue.
My other favorite part was doing Algebra on the whiteboard with Sierra. She finally has memorized her three times tables. She was encouraging me to challenge her. I was putting her three times tables in algebraic equations. She was loving every minute of it. I think in a few weeks she is going to start to love math. Last year and the year before she fought me on learning her times tables. I encouraged but didn't fight her. I fought her with reading and she still hates it, so I thought this time I would let her come to it on her own. Earlier this week she had to factor a large number and she broke down in tears because she couldn't do it. The factors weren't in her mind files. I asked her if she was finally ready to memorize them. Through tear stained cheeks she nodded her head. She has worked hard this week to learn her three times tables. She finally passed them off with me. We are starting her four times tables, at this rate she should have them all down in a few weeks.
Yes, my children have started school. I know, too soon. They are a week an half into first and fifth grade and Madison comes home every day saying she loved ever minute of the day. Sierra comes home every day not saying it was the worst day of her life, so I think it is going to be a great year.

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