Sunday, August 30, 2015


I have gone full circle from a world filled with princesses, mermaids, fairies, and castles to trains, motorcycles, tractors, guns, and swords and, "I zap you momma!" This little boy fills my world from the times his eyes open until they shut at night. He is every bit as adventures, imaginative, and creative as Sierra was at this age. He sits on my legs as I nurse Ashton and says. "Go." He pushes and imaginary button on my toe, "Go, motorcycle. Go." I tell him I am not your motorcycle.

Lately he finishes every sentence with the words, "Momma." A typical conversation will be, "We going momma? We going a store momma? We buy chocolate milk momma? We need chocolate milk momma? You buy chocolate milk momma? I need shoes momma? You carry Ash momma? You get your keys momma? We go to a car momma?" Yes, his conversations are rapid and one sided. He is busy and wonderful. My favorites are, "I helping you momma!" and  "I love you momma!"

If he takes a nap for even ten minutes, he is up till ten. I do acrobats trying to not let him take a nap. He gets so tired during the day and often falls asleep on the way to get the girls. I will sit and yell, "Come on James, stay with me." His head bobs and he is out. I am so disappointed knowing it is going to be another late night. Whether he gets a nap or not between five and seven he is just plain ornery. He just doesn't want to deal with life during those hours. Neither do I son, I get it!

He is my world. My days begin and end with James. He is the loudest of all my children right now and demands ten times the attention of the other three combined. Yesterday, I asked him is it because you want to be my baby James. He said, "I not baby. Ash, baby!" I told him, "Yes, Ash is the baby."

He loves his grandpas and this sisters. Sierra has taught him to complete the phrase, "I love..." with the word Sierra. She will say, "James, say I." He will say, "I love Sara." She gets the biggest kick out of it. These girls will do anything for him. He was falling apart last night because he didn't get a nap and it was between five and seven. Madison said, "Please mom, just let me turn on Daniel Tiger." I said, "I am sorry, he will fall asleep and I just need him to stay up till seven. Then we can put him to bed." She sighed and looked up. I am sure she was thinking, how will I make my mother understand? "But mom, he is so sad. I know he will stop crying if I turn on Daniel Tiger." I told her, "I am sorry Madison." They are his little advocates.

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