Friday, January 15, 2016


I haven't slept since Monday. James has been so sick. He can't sleep because he is sick, so he just wants to give his mother tasks all night. Mommy, you get me a drink. Mommy, you get me a tissue. Help me blowed my nose. Mommy, it's ouchie. Mommy, I need go potty. Mommy, turned on the light. Mommy, mommy, mommy. I would barely fall asleep and he would start it up again. I can't begin to tell you how exhausted I have been. When I was a young mother I use to scream and cry and say, "I quit. I can't do this anymore. I am so tired." I would get borderline hysterical. Then things would get worse. I am older and with age sometimes comes wisdom. I have learned through the scriptures the greatest thing the Savior had to learn was who He really was. He had to discover his own divinity. We all are on a mission to do the same. We are capable of extraordinary things. We can do all things through Christ. The other night as I neared my breaking point, I kept saying, it will all work out. I will get sleep eventually. I can do all things through Christ. Everything felt manageable and peaceful. I didn't get anymore sleep even through I prayed for it but I did receive the strength I needed.

I got up yesterday so sick but started to clean. My kitchen floor, pictured above, has failed. It is coming up all over the place. The problem has been going on since August. The company that installed it was suppose to come and fix it on Friday, today. I was trying to catch up on the laundry and clean everything. Miraculously, I had the energy and desire but I believe that was a tender mercy. I was making okay time and then the boys both fell asleep, so I decided to take a nap. When I woke up I felt like I had been hit by a truck. It was a tender mercy that the flooring guy got sick too, he won't make it out till next week. I was hoping something like that would happen. I was in disbelief when I got the voicemail. (I didn't think I should cancel because this problem has been going on since August.) I didn't know what I was going to do with our sick selves why they ripped up the flooring. I felt so blessed that I didn't have to worry about it. It all worked out. Feeling blessed.

P.S. I love the above picture. Ashton got into the drawer and pulled out his bottle and put the lid on it and tried to drink from it. I have been giving him chocolate milk in his bottle lately, I know, but he loves it. He thought he would help himself and was awfully disappointed when it didn't work.

Egg soup was for lunch. My mother use to make it for us all time when we were little and got sick. I think it is so soul satisfying. It is just broken spaghetti noodles, chicken bouillon, eggs. I put a little garlic in ours just to help fight our illness. James and Ashton ate their whole bowl, so success.

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