Monday, January 18, 2016


 He is three! I can't believe how fast he has grown. I swear he has grown faster than my other two. I know that isn't possible, but I swear it is true. He grows by leaps and bounds every day. He is so fun to have around, most of the time. He loves to help me with everything I am doing, cooking or cleaning. He is always right by my side. I have often turned around quickly to grab something and knocked him over. I have to remind myself that he is always there. He is my shadow.
He loves to growl when he is mad and his favorite phrase is. "I going killed you!" When he is really angry. I must confess playing cowboys with him and pretend guns has lead to that phrase. My fault.
He loves his remote control car. He sleeps with it. Hilarious.
He loves to play with his brother Ash. He will knock him on his bum if he thinks he is looking at him wrong. Not sure where that comes from. Ashton will start to cry and I will look over and say, "James, did you push Ashton." He will say between clinched teeth, "He'd was looking at me."
His favorite movie is Winnie the Pooh and favorite TV series is Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. He will sing me songs from the series when it is appropriate. The other day I was going to drop him off at my friend Lilly's for a bit and as I went to leave he said, "I will stay with Lilly, because grown ups come back." He sang the last part. He sometimes sings it to me when I drop him off at nursery.
He loves to be read to and will sit for hours and let me read to him.
I love him to bits and pieces.

I burnt his birthday cake, badly. I cut off the top of the cake and turned the cake into cake balls. Nate asked why we were eating play dough for James's birthday but then ate three. I guess they were okay.

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