Friday, February 11, 2011


Interesting how little things are such a big deal for a five year old. CC was suppose to be the line leader today, which means she gets to be at the front of line all day. Sadly, substitute teachers have no respect for these rules. More sadly, the last two times Sierra has been assigned to be the line leader there has been a substitute teacher. All the way to the store, after school, Sierra was venting about the injustice of it all. "How can she do that mom? (Referring to the substitute teacher.) She made my feel so warm a lot of times today. I didn't cry but I wanted to. I miss my teacher when she isn't there. I want her to come back. She knows about the line leader."

Updates: I leave a lot of stories unfinished, so I will attempt to finish two.

I HAVE A TUMMY ACHE: Sierra woke up the next morning and dug into her tooth fairy money and brought me two quarters, the cost of the candy. She wrote a note that said, I am sorry. I took it into City Market. She hasn't mentioned the incident since. Yeah for having the courage to do the right thing.

SNOW @ GRANDMA: My radiator was ready to blow. My father changed it and addressed my oil leaks. The car should be good for at least another year. Cross our fingers. I am so blessed to have such an amazing father that would do anything for his children, even spending two days in the bitter cold under their car fixing it.

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