Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sierra came running into the kitchen. I was in the middle of making Sunday dinner she said, "Bring your camera quick Mom, Madison is being so funny." I get excited when my kids want me to take pictures of the cute things they do. I grabbed my camera and this is what met my lens. She is pretty stinkin' cute if I do say so myself, and I do.

Church was good today. The kids in Primary were a little excited and a little noisy but I enjoyed my little singing time with them. I love listening to them sing and I love singing. We are learning the song "I will follow God's plan for me." I am grateful for a church that teachs me God had a plan when he sent me to earth and what that plan is. I am also grateful that my little primary children are learning this in a very simple way, through music.

I invited some people over for dinner. A family I knew, and a single man I didn't. The man, we found out is a world class climber and has written several dozen books on the subject. Nate and him got along well.

Sierra is sick. She has a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a cough. Sad. This year has been rough one for illnesses.

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