Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I called my Mother on Wednesday night and swore I was in labor.
After three nights in a row of false labor I was sure it was the real deal.
I even called my friend Barbara and asked if her daughters could spend the night just in case I had to make a mad rush to the hospital like I did with Madison.
I counted contractions all night.
They were progressing and at one time they were six minutes apart.
Then nothing for an hour.
Then they started progressing again.
At 6:00am I took Barbara's girls home.
I felt dumb and apologized.
I know they didn't sleep well.
They were so sweet.
They said it was fine.
My contractions kept coming.
My mom called and asked if I was sure I was ready for her to come, knowing she can only take so much time off of work.
I said, "Of course!"
Although my contractions started to fade, I was running off of four nights of no sleep, which had been followed by my daughter being sick for over two weeks.
I wanted my mom!
Certainly, even if they stopped all together I would have this baby before the weekend was over.
I called my doctor and changed my appointment for that morning.
I went in fully expecting to be dilated to a 6 and have him say, "Go to the hospital!"
When I got there I was dilated..... to a whopping 0.
Yep, you read that right! 0!
I wanted to cry.
Yep. Today is 1/15/2013!
I was due yesterday!
I am still pregnant.
I don't mind being pregnant, but CURSE FALSE LABOR!
I am tired of it.
I never had it with my first two.
It stinks.
FALSE or NOT, it still hurts and plays with your mind.
I am just really grateful my mom is still here.

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