Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Maybe it was a little early, but I was done.
I didn't know about cats and Christmas Trees, but apparently they love them.
The cat was constantly attacking the lights and ornaments and by about two days after I put it up it looked like a mess. The ribbons were hanging to the ground the beads were pulled off the branches.
My favorite ornaments were broken.
I would tell Sierra to keep her cat away from the tree.
She would try but the cat was determined.
I was just tired of talking about it and thinking about.
So, down the tree came.
I have had a lot on my mind lately and I was thinking about it as I was disassembling the tree.
Sierra was helping intermittently.
Then she squealed, "Mom, look what I found! What is it?"
An envelope that said, "Merry Christmas!"
We opened it and this is what we saw.
So, who snuck into my house and put a hundred dollars in my tree?
I am not sure.
Maybe I was suppose to find it before Christmas, but with the cat constantly on the attack it fell into the branches.
However, I opened it when I needed to open it.
I was overwhelmed with a feeling that my Father-in-Heaven is aware of me.
He hears and answers prayers even seemingly insignificant ones.
I could go on and on about the miracles we have seen in our lives over the last six months.
I haven't recorded any here.
I guess in part because they are to close to my heart.
However, today I just felt the need to testify of Him.
He lives.
He answers prayers.
He loves us.
He is aware of us.
Merry Christmas! Christmas 2012 will live in my heart for a long time.

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