Sunday, January 20, 2013


My dear little boy,
We called you Gunnison for nine months.
Your daddy changed your name the night you were delivered.
You are named after your great-grandfather James McKnight.
He was a good man.
I am glad you have his name.
I am sure he is too.
I wanted you to have your father's name as your middle name.
Not just because I love him so very much, but because I truly love your daddy's name.
You were born 7 pounds, 11 ounces.
And 20 inches long.
At 5:17pm on January 18, 2013.
I love every ounce of you.
You have been so sweet.
The nurses kept saying, "He is such a good baby!"
You didn't cry while they bathed, dressed, or examined you.
You have been so peaceful today.
I can't stop looking at you.
You are so handsome.
Thank you for coming to us.
Thank you for being my little boy.
Love, Mom 
Your sisters love you.
They just can't get enough of you.
Your sister Sierra stayed in the hospital for a couple hours with me.
She held you and watched Despicable Me, while I took a long shower and gathered our things.
She is going to be the best big sister.
Madison, isn't quit sure what to do with you.
She wants to hold you, but knows you are so tiny.
She loves to look at you and smile.
She will look at you and then me with really wide eyes and a huge grin.
She hasn't said much, but she will.
She is excited to finally be a big sister.

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