Tuesday, January 15, 2013


(My only picture, sadly.)
My sister and my father came to visit on the spur of the moment.
I was so happy to see them.
I think it is the first time Michelle has ever visited me in my married life.
She has five kids of her own.
Two were at Disneyland with their grandma.
Three were in Orem with their other grandma.
So, she got to be an Aunt.
Sierra loved playing with her.
She finally got some one-on-one time with her name-sake.
I hope she realized why her name is so special.
(Sierra was named after Michelle. Sierra Michelle.)
I named her after her because I love my sister Michelle so much.
I wanted Sierra to be just like her.
She is so compassionate, sweet, generous, and kind.
She is funny and witty.
She is solid.
I have so many amazing memories of being her little sister.
Michelle and I had fun spending time together.
We had pizza and tried to watch Avengers.
We made her famous coconut cupcakes. I think I ate 6 myself.
She played endless rounds of guess-who with Sierra.
She slept in Sierra's bed with her.
She made us the best Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches ever.
She found me a crib on Craigslist and negotiated the price down and picked it up for me.
She picked up a few rugs for the girls room.
My living room has been so much cleaner because the girls have a soft place to play in their own bedroom.
Thank you Michelle for your visit and for being so amazing! I love you.
Dad got to hang out with Dr. Nate.
When he wasn't with him he was fixing everything.
My leaky sink.
My leaky tub.
My car's radiator and starter and breaks.
Their visit was better than three days at the spa.

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