Saturday, March 1, 2014


 Madison and Sierra went outside today to play in the yard.
They came back in covered in mud and asked if they could take a bath.
I motioned them right along to the bathroom and said, "Good plan."
There was a lot of noise. There always is when those two take a bath together.
I heard banging and splashing.
I finally knocked on the door to see what they were up to.
They filled the tub with water, lathered up their little bodies, then emptied out the tub and slid along the ceramic base with their slippery bodies.
They were probably playing their little game for at least thirty minutes.
They looked cold.
I filled the tub with warm water and put this little dude in with them.
I scrubbed their hair and then washed him up.
Then I snuggled them in towels and breathed in their clean skin.
I love clean babies.

I had a miracle happen today.
My phone has been out of commission for close to a week now.
I have missed it.
I thought the cord was the reason it wasn't charging, but it wasn't the cord.
I was told it was the internal connector in the phone.
There was no fixing it. I had to get a new one.
I prayed.
I prayed again.
I told my Father-in-Heaven that I didn't need a fancy smart phone. I just needed my phone to work.
I told him I knew he could fix it. I asked him to please fix it.
I thought I should go get a knife.
I did.
I thought I should bend the connector.
I did.
I plugged it in.
It didn't work.
Then I remembered the plug next to my bed doesn't often work.
I plugged it into my bathroom plug and gave on final plea to my Father-in-Heaven.
The phone started to charge.
I cried.

I know it is something simple and to most people not a big deal, but to me in that moment it meant everything. Not only did it mean I wouldn't have to put out the money for a new phone, but that my Father-in-Heaven hears my prayers and I was again reminded that miracles happen when I trust in Him.

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