Thursday, March 20, 2014


THOUGHTS for the DAY..
We still haven't closed on the Amish Paradise. I was warned. I didn't think it would be this crazy. We have one more hump to jump. Again, we wait, but that is okay.
I shared a few thoughts on the ordained women's organization and I wanted to record them here too.
I love the role I play as a women and don't think it is lessened by my husband holding the priesthood. I hold the keys to motherhood and I am happy with my stewardship. I think it is equally as miraculous and powerful as the priesthood. I think the fact that we have held the keys to creating life for so long that we take this miraculous gift for granted. Or maybe it is because this gift has never been taken from the earth but has always been given freely to all women. I have pondered this gift a lot and my role as a woman. I love this talk. No, it isn't a conference talk. I usually don't venture to far from what the brethren say, but I like what she has to say. It is just from a woman who values her role as a mother. I love some of the concepts she shares. LONG.... but worth a listen.
We went to the dentist today.
I know my husband is a dentist.
His children have a rough time being in his chair.
We tried it once.... it wasn't good.
I get it because as a photographer it is way easier to photograph kids that aren't my own.
We went to Doctor Jeremy Cox.
My kids loved it.
He is a really good children's dentist.
They can't wait to go back.

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