Friday, March 28, 2014


 We closed on our house today and four members of the family couldn't be happier.
Watching their smiles is helping the fifth come around.
 I wish I could photograph the inside. I will try soon. It needs a little TLC. The only hard part. The rest of the decision was easy. We love the land.
 Hobbit Hill. (Cold storage.) The girls asked if they could turn it into a library.
Hmmm. Nope. But, it is cool. If we removed the door it could be a cute hideout, if it is structurally sound. We will see. If it is, Kimberly do you want to come out and doodle all over the inside?
Our Home.... for now.
 Sierra said, "Why are you going through the fence into our neighbor's yard?"
I said, "This is our yard."
She said, "What?"
I said, "Yes."
She said, "Madison run with me!"
As she ran she screamed, "I am free!"
It brought tears to my eyes.

 Fisherman's Pond
 The cutest kid I know.
 Where her horse is going to live. Someday.... When she is older.

They are so happy. Don't let James kid you, he is just as excited as the other two.
Our cute neighbor raises Labs. She has a beautiful Black Lab that she couldn't sale. It is grown now and trained. She said, "I would love it if you would take it." It is a pure bred. Beautiful.
I think we will.
First pet.
Let the adventure begin.

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