Saturday, March 14, 2015


Charlotte was loving Ashton. She kept wanting to hold him. James kept telling her, mine baby brother. He was a little protective. She was so sweet with him and wanted to hold him again and again. Ashton was also sweet to put up with all the attention he was getting. I don't think he fussed once. He is such a sweet, good-natured little baby.
March 14th was my birthday. I love my birthday. I had such a beautiful day. I got to spend the day with my sisters. First thing in the morning my sister Karalee took me down into her apartment and gave me two new beautiful shirts. Since I have always envied her style I was so elated. My twin sister went and emptied out the entire bin of chocolate covered cinnamon bears at the store. They handed me the biggest bag you have ever seen. I was in heaven. My favorite candy, besides jelly beans and peanut M&M's. I spent a big chunk of the day running around picking up food for the luncheon after Ashton's baby blessing the next day. I got to spend time running around with my sister Jennifer and my sister Emily. It was fun to talk and laugh and cry.
Nate came back early from the river and hung around the house until I was done running my errands. He asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner. He said he would take me anywhere but I knew he would be happiest at Tuccano's. Dinner didn't disappoint. He was so happy. He was like a little kid in a candy store.
While we were waiting for our seats at Tuccano's we walked around Riverwood's Shopping. We watched a couple get engaged. I don't know why it made both of us giggle. It may have been the awkwardness of the proposal or the speed of it. He got down on one knee and stretched his arms wide, asked her, stood up and hugged her quickly. A few minutes later we passed the couple again. She was talking a mile a minute giving him a second by second rendition of her story of how the moments leading up to the proposal had played out. He was just nodding. Nate smiled and stretched out on the bench and said, "He is going to have a long life."
The only thing that would have made the day perfect was if we could have finished it off at the temple but we just couldn't fit it all in with a nursing baby.
I have spent eleven birthday's with Nate. I have to say everyone gets better and every year gets better and I am grateful for the relationship we share. I am grateful that he chose to marry me. I am in awe at how hard he works and how much of himself he gives to everything he does. He started his practice two years ago, and it has been successful beyond any of my expectations. He insists he is starting a new one by the end of the year. I have no idea what drives him but he never rests.
We both did so much in the last year. We bought a house, we have redone a lot of it with the help of our family. (We have been so blessed by so many this past year.) We bought a building for Nate's practice and the build out will be complete on the 9th of April. We had sweet Ashton. The girls started at a new school. I am certain it has been our busiest year yet. Maybe why we are both so tired all the time. Bring on my 36th year, may it be as happy and busy at 35.

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