Wednesday, March 25, 2015


 We had to get out of the house and since the library bathroom has a mini potty it was the best outing to go on. Yes, every decision I make takes into consideration easy access to a potty. If you have ever potty trained, you understand. We walked to library. He went on the potty. We searched for books. The girls found a few I think they might like.
 Isn't spring beautiful? It is officially spring. My soul soars in spring. My soul feels like it is breaking through the haze of winter and coming back to life. I am happy.

These girls begged to stop off at the skate park. They love to jog up and down the ramps. Sierra went up and down a few ramps with her bike. She was so happy

This sweet boy was not.
I finally called it quits. We had to go home. Thankfully, he only fussed for a short ways and then dozed off.

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