Sunday, December 13, 2015


 Well, Sunday's seem to come by more and more quickly. Today was the first day in our new ward. I have to say I clung to the people I knew and didn't say hi to anyone I didn't. This seems to be a trend with me lately. I will try harder next week. I did find out the Librarian at Loma Elementary is also the Relief Society President (Relief Society is the women's organization of the LDS church.) I found out that one of the ladies whose son is in Madison's grade is also the first counselor in the Relief Society. We had an interesting Relief Society. We had appetizers and listened to women read part of a book. I think it was by and LDS author, it was about why the author would want to be the cow at Jesus's birth, or a Wiseman, or so forth. It was different, but I was hungry. We will see what next Sunday brings.
The Bishop is a fly fisherman. He was talking to one of the ladies next to me about his grandson's binky, which says, "Let's go fishing." I thought Nate would like him, we will see.
I want to be better at visiting teaching. I want to be better at fellowshipping. I want to be better at knowing the people in my ward. Here is to a fresh start and a new adventure.

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