Sunday, December 6, 2009


The CBS's evening news' last story of the night is called the American Spirit. They feature someone who has made an impact on America. The other night the person was Doris Buffet. I loved it and for those of you that missed it, you can click here. I wish I could have done the interview. First, I love old women and second, I want her to answer a million more questions. I guess she has a biography. It might be my next read.

While watching her story I thought about the many gifts our Father-in-Heaven has given each of us and what we must do with them. And that it should never occur to us not to utilize them to bless and serve others.

You may be tempted to think while watching the story, like I did, that you would love to do that. Run around blessing people's lives by giving them money. Then, you may be humbled, like I was as I reflected back on a poor mother of four who lived at Wymount, when Nate and I were a young married couple, she utilized all of her talents to bless the ward. She sewed thing and created things and donated things and there was nothing she wasn't willing to give, her time, or talents or anything that was required of her. Considering her, money may in fact be less a sacrifice, have less an impact, and ultimately less a blessing. We all can give of ourselves and be blessed immensely, we don't need money, just a willing heart.

I love the story of the talents and that God multiplies your talents when you use them wisely. I would say, from experience, as you use them to bless others. May we all be more like Him, our Savior, as we compassionately look for ways to reach outside of ourselves and give what we have. May this not be in lue of the season, but a renewed commitment inside each of us,... especially myself.

Dorris Buffet, you inspired me today. Thank you.

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