Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Sierra would not stop coming out of her bedroom tonight. I was getting so frustrated. She mentioned her stomach hurt. I told her she shouldn't have eaten four tacos for dinner. (I don't even think her Dad ate four tacos. She kept saying she was so hungry.) She replied, "Well, mom you shouldn't have made such yummy tacos or I wouldn't have eaten so many." At one point she came out of her bed and said, "Mommy, I am so sorry." I said, "Why are you so sorry?" She said, "Because I am writing. I have to practice my letters." She then came back out to show me what she had done. They were the best A's I think she has ever done. She was so excited as she handed it to me she exclaimed, "I passed my test." I couldn't get mad. I said, "Good job... Now get to bed!" She finally fell asleep. I sat down to watch a PBS special. An hour later she comes out of the back bedroom. Her eyes are glazed over. She said, "Mom, Madison pooed all over the bed and I can't sleep." I jumped up and headed for her bedroom. (Maybe, Nate hadn't check MJ's diaper before he put her to bed and she had a blow out. He had rocked her to sleep.) I got to the bedroom and looked on the bed. There is MJ all curled up on one side of the bed and there is literally throw up covering CC's entire side of her bed, pillows, blankets, sheets, mattress, floor, and a trail of it all the way out the door. It was all over in CC's hair and all over her pj's. I put her in the tub. She said, "Why do I have to get in the tub? I don't want to get in the tub. I just need to brush my teeth because I got some of that poo in my mouth." I insisted she needed a bath. She threw up in her sleep. I don't think she realized what had happened until she threw up again while I was trying to brush her teeth. So here I sit, laughing about my poor daughter who woke up in what she thought was a pile of MJ's poo and doing laundry. I think I maybe up for a few more hours.


Chrystal said...

Oh my gosh, that has happend to kayla twice and she sleeps in it all night....so gross...the first time she thought the dog had got in her bed and threw up all over it! I feel for you, cleaning up vomit, not so fun! Your a SuperMom.

Paul and Em said...

I'm sorry Lisa! Wow that was quite an event, and I'm glad I wasn't there for it. Super funny though!

Caroline Craven said...

That is the worst! I don't have the stomach to clean up vomit - Kent always had to do it in our house or there would have been two people pucking. I did, however, clean up vomit a few weeks ago when my mom got sick after her surgery and she was too sick to clean it up. I was the only one there who could do it. I was amazed I got thru it w/o getting sick myself. Lisa, send me your email. I think you did once, but I lost it. cravenclan@hotmail.com

Jessica said...

Oh I am so sorry Lisa. This has happened at my house too. I hate cleaning it up, and it seems to go everywhere! Best of Luck, and I hope this sickness passes quickly!

rachwheel said...

Aw, man. My family was doing this also a few days back. Hyrum woke up, whimpered a little and I had already run in there-he had the explosive kind and while I tried to catch it in his red soft blanket he loves, it ended up on his entire bedding, a little in my hair and face, all down my front, on my foot and a little on the floor. The girls didn't throw up that night, but were up so many times as well.
Next morning, Ginnie was playing blocks with Ang and began gagging. She walked over to the garbage can, threw up, and went back playing. Not a single complaint, not a mess.
It was nice after Hyrum's ordeal.
Ang and I got a flu shot just a couple weeks ago, we've been free from it.
Hope she felt better afterward.