Monday, December 7, 2009


I forgot to turn on the garbage disposal before I hooked up the washing machine. The sink filled and then spilled over. Yeah. Sigh. I spent at least an hour cleaning it up.
The water filled the drawers as it slopped over the counter and ran down the face of the cabinets. Sigh.
Worst still. The girls had to go back to their room because they were wanting to make water foot prints in the carpet. They took their spagetti. (We were in the middle of dinnertime.) This was the result. Twenty more minutes of wiping up spagetti out of the carpet and the toy box. Breathe.
(This probably should be a seperate post. I had a better morning.) I finished this project this morning. My first ever re-cycle t-shirt dress. Two old t-shirts = a new dress for CC. She loved it. Yes, I tried a re-verse applique on the sleeve. I am not thrilled about how it turned out. I wish I had of put it on the top of the sleeve instead of the side, but I will know next time. All in all, a success.


Paul and Em said...

Love the dress! Looking at the mess you had to clean up makes me tired! Your a good Mom.

Sarah Keith said...

I love that dress. It is so cute. You are so creative. I want your skills! Oh and that water mess looks so frustrating. I burnt the dinner tonight and was probably feeling similar to what you were feeling! But yours was definitely worse.