Sunday, January 10, 2010


We had to get out of the house on Saturday. Nate suggested we go down to the strip. I thought it was a great idea maybe I could find a few fun ingredients and make us a really yummy dinner. MJ was so elated to get out of the house.
The sun peaked through the clouds every once and a while and for a winter day in January the weather was fairly nice. We pulled up to the strip and got out of the car. Sierra wanted to wear her crocs and not her boots. She stepped out of the car into a slush puddle. Her toes were ice cubes. We made it around the block one time and then we abandoned the plan and took the kids to the mall.
Sierra spotted this bike and asked if she could test it out. I told her to go for it. She road it around the ailes for at least fifteen minutes with the biggest grin you have ever seen. When I told her we had to go she didn't want to get off but she was really good. She said, "Mom I love that bike, can we get a bike like that someday." I said, "Yep, someday."

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