Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sierra loves to see her baby sister laugh. She will do anything to get her to laugh or to get her to keep laughing. She has done some pretty crazy things. If you noticed on both the clips I have to stop the filming to prevent a disaster from insuing.

Yesterday, I took MJ and CC to the zoo. CC insisted on bringing her baby doll and stroller. I allowed her to because then she wouldn't be constantly grabbing at MJ's stroller and trying to push her. (Sierra tries to run and push her as fast as she can and then let go of the stroller. Her Grandpa Craven did this with her in the grocery cart in Utah. It made her laugh, so she thinks it will make MJ laugh. I have had to overt disaster there too. I can no longer allow her to push MJ.) She would push her baby doll as hard as she could and then run after her, laughing the whole time. She said it was what her Grandpa did and it was so funny. Then she asked again if she could push MJ. I told her no. She said, "Mom I like your baby better than my baby." I said, "Why is that?" She said, "Because MJ is growing bigger and bigger but my baby doll isn't."

Later that day she says, "Mom, I am sorry." I responded, "Why are you sorry?" She said, "Because I keep growing bigger and bigger." (She should be. I miss my little baby. However, I am loving my little girl.)


Shandra said...

These clips are sooo adorable, Lisa!!! She definitely was using unconventional methods, but hey, they worked quite well!!!

Chrystal said...

Ouch! LOL :)

shellydinger said...

They are going to have so much fun together once MJ can keep up. Can you imagine the trouble they'll get into together?