Thursday, March 26, 2009


Joy and Andrew invited us to go to the zoo yesterday. I almost backed out, because it was raining, but I am glad I didn't. The lions were roaring like crazy. You could hear their cries echoing through the park. Sierra was so excited about to being in the rain with an umbrella. Although, most of the time she wasn't holdings it over her head, she did get it right for the picture though.

We went through the shark tank. There were scuba divers cleaning up the poo and slim on the bottom of the tank. They were using instruments the size of toothbrushes and looking over there shoulders the whole time. The process looked very inefficient and scarey. I had to take a picture but I was too embarassed to keep snaping until I got one with the sharks and the scuba divers in it at the same time. See below... sharks. Scarey!

Scarey SHARKS. Lerking behind the scuba divers.

The number two attraction at the park. When we got into the aquarium the kids crowded around MJ. They thought she was so cute.

The third most impressive attraction. WE love the polar bears. We are always excited to find one in the water playing.

The most impressive attraction at the park I didn't get a picture of but here is a picture of the aftermath. Sierra went down the slide several dozen times. (Joy and I both think it is funny our kids go to the zoo to play at the park.) Sierra and Andrew's clothes soaked up all the water on the slide until they were soaking wet. Sierra's little hands were frozen like ice cubes. She was so cold. We had to hurry her home and throw her into a nice warm bath, complete with her polly pockets.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

It looks like you guys had so much fun! That zoo looks awesome :)