Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Sierra can't resist running and launching into every pile of leaves she sees. As we were walking to the park she saw a man clearing the leaves off the sidewalk and placing them into black garbage bags. She was so upset. She said, "Mom what is that man doin' with all our leaves?"
MJ has been so content lately to go exploring on her own. She crawled all over the park and looked at leaves and pulled herself up to look around. She spied a dog and kept pointing and saying, "Br-Br-Br." She loves dogs.
(I know this is a very blurry picture but I had to inclute it.) Sierra loves Anne. The other day she said, "Mom is Aunt Jennifer my sister?" I said, "No, she is just my sister. She is your Aunt." She said, "Yeah, you are right mom, she is your sister. Anne is my sister, huh?" I said, "No, MJ is your sister." She said, "Anne can be my sister too." I said, "Yes, I guess Anne can be your sister too." (We are all sisters and brothers.)Also, the monkey bars have been a favorite attraction at the park lately. She has gotten really good and went all the way across them yesterday.
Sierra is always finding a way to hitch a ride on all of MJ's strollers. I love the casualness of it all. MJ is fine with her invading her space.
Isn't fall in Pittsburgh spectacular. I always compare it to fireworks. It explodes and then dies. It is starting to die and I am sad.

1 comment:

Paul and Em said...

I love that fall is Sierra's playground. MJ is growing up without me! At least I get to view the growing on your blog. Keep it coming.