Sunday, October 11, 2009


"Sierra, hurry up and eat your cereal or we are going to be late for church." Every Sunday I am rushing to get everyone out the door. Sierra is always the slowest at eating her breakfast on Sunday morning.

Sierra said she had a really fun dream last night. She was driving a log (no not a typo, a log, not a car). She was driving all her friends; Chase, Carter, Andrew, Hailey, and Jennifer and Brooklynn. They were all in the log. Madison was in the log too, but not mom just Maddie Tads. She drove them to the Telephone World. They all got to call somebody. She said, "Mom, that was a really good dream. Huh?" This is the first time Sierra has told me about a good dream she has had. Maybe we are turning a corner.

Three little girls dancing in princess dresses on a Sunday afternoon. We are so grateful to have Shandra and her girls in our lives. She invited us over to Sunday dinner and the girls had so much fun. Shandra is definitely like a sister to me. When I am over there it is like I am visiting Michelle and Sierra is off playing with Grace and Emma. I feel so blessed to have family in Pittsburgh.

Sierra perusing through a Halloween Costume magazine as we head back home. She wants to be Tinker Bell for Halloween. We are working either on coming up with a Tinker Bell costume or changing her mind.


Shandra said...

{{hugs}}, Lisa! Love ya!

Joy said...

Anne was Tinkerbell a few years back. We have a costume I put together for her...if you want to borrow it I am sure Anne wouln't mind. The only down side is that she wore it in 80 degree is the link to the pics of that costume.