Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yesterday, because I was still not feeling well, I needed to get outside. The leaves behind the apartment are spectacular. CC and I took pictures. She took the one of me and MJ laying in the leaves. Pretty good for a four year old. We had a lot of fun.

I climbed into a fall leave blanket.
I helped my mother build and make it.

Leaves dropped down like shimmering rain.
As we tossed them up and they fell again.

They tickeled my face and got caught in my hair.
As they fluttered about glidding down threw the air.

Beautiful leaves yellow, red, orange and brown.
Under my feet making a cracking and crunching sound.

We stacked the leaves high like a mountain peak.
I snuggled and laid my head down in the leaves.

My mother helped me build and make it.
My warm and cozy fall leave blanket.

by, Lisa McKnight


Paul and Em said...

These pictures are beautiful Lisa.

Sarah Keith said...

Hey, I am going to call you, but since I was at your blog, I figured I would let you know---I'm not going to use the serger because we don't have the funds to buy the thread. I will just cut them and it will be fine. Also, are you still planning on driving with me to the retreat, or are you sick? I feel so bad that you have had the flu, but if you do, you better make sure you still make Nate watch the kids and you spend the night in BED! Or just let me know your thoughts! Love you!

Shandra said...

Awesome pics, Lisa! Great post!

Caroline Craven said...

Lisa, the pictures are so cute and the poem is so appropriate. Good job. If you have the flu drink lots of water with a sliver of garlic in it, not so much garlic that you taste it, just a sliver. You'll be amazed at how much it helps. Give it to your kids too. Drink lots and lots of garlic water.

Elizabeth said...

Lisa, I loved Carolines post. I loved the pictures and the poem. Ya! this my daughter and my cute grandkids.