Sunday, January 24, 2010


She climbed out of my arms and went over to CC to play with her Polly Pockets. It was fun to listen to CC explain to MJ about the proper way to play with Polly Pockets.

CC and MJ still have a really bad croupy cough but they are over the fever portion of this illness. It is so good to see MJ smiling again and eating again. There is nothing better than to see her run from me giggling when I am trying to change her diaper. It feels like it has been an eternity. Yes, I feed her Fruit Loops. I know, but she wanted them and she has been so sick and I was just so happy to have her want to eat something. There is that beautiful smile. Once again, all feels right in the world. Sigh. :)
Side note: Sierra is obsessed with this spoon. She is convinced it is a magical spoon. You see the end is shaped like sea shell and Mermaids come from the sea and they are magical so of course the spoon is magical. At least that is what she tell me.

Side Note to the side note: My sisters and I had a favorite spoon growing up. It was called The Long Spoon. Its handle was extra long. I believe it was some sort of a dessert spoon. We use to fight over it. Funny to think back on.

Things Sierra has said....

Sierra: I had a really bad dream last night about bats and dinosaurs.
Me: I am sorry. You should say a prayer when you are having bad dreams.
Sierra: I tried mom but it doesn't help.
Me: Well, did you tell those bad dreams, "I am Sierra a Daughter of my Heavenly Father, which makes me powerful. You don't belong in my mind, so leave."
Sierra: Mom, why don't you come in my room and tell my dreams that. But when you are there, close your eyes, because if the bad dreams get in your head it will be so scary.
(heart breaking)

I was getting ready to leave for church. The girls stayed home with their dad. He let me have a break, which I was extremely grateful for.

Sierra: Mom, please don't leave us. I don't want a babysitter.


Caroline Craven said...

I'm glad to hear you are all on teh mend. There is nothing worse that having sick children, you just constanty worry about them, even if it is something so simple as a stuffy nose. I had no idea you knew Bethany. She seems like a very nice person in the few emails we've exchanged over the past few weeks.

Sarah Keith said...

you are a good mom!