Tuesday, October 9, 2012


 Madison has been begging to go and visit her Grandparents and it just worked out that we were able to take a trip to see them thanks to our sweet friend Kay. She needed us to drive her granddaughter to Utah to spend the weekend with her mom. She filled the car with gas and snacks.
She is such an angel.

 Madison must have said a thousand times. I can't wait to see my grandpa. He will tickle me and throw me on the couch. I am grateful for the special bond my children share with him.
 My kids love their Aunt Karalee.

This is my Grandma Craven's pancake recipe. My Dad said it was the best and I should use it make breakfast Saturday morning. They didn't disappoint. I was really glad to have it. I often wish I had more recipes from my heritage.
My girls must have eaten about a trillion apples while we were there. 
The best part was sharing conference weekend with my family.
What an inspiring weekend filled with amazing talks and amazing food.
We have a family tradition of making doughnuts every conference.
My little sister made these with a raspberry glaze.
They did not disappoint.
They were amazing.
After a lot of heart wrenching moments...
And several years of tears and prayers...
this girls is pregnant.
I have wanted to scream it for a long time.
I am so excited for her.
It is truly a miracle and an answer to our prayers.
She is having a little girl and is due six weeks after me.
Isn't she the cutest pregnant lady?
I love you sissy.
Best NEWS of the year.

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