Sunday, October 14, 2012


 ODD: Every morning I come into Sierra and Madison's room and their bed looks like this.
Their little bodies are squished near the top of the bed and their books are all along the bottom.
Sierra looks at books to fall asleep.
Apparently, she needs a lot.
AWESOME: I was invited to volunteer to do the Art Heritage program for Sierra's classroom.
We go into the school once a month and learn about an art concept.
Then we teach it to the classroom and do a little art project.
This months topic was African Masks.
I taught the kids that African Masks weren't originally considered art but were used to tell stories.
I encouraged the kids to let their masks tell a story about something happy.
I showed them my mask, not pictured.
I told them my happiest moment was when Sierra was born.
I told them that I felt the sun shone so brighter on that day. The hair of my mask looked like the sun.
I told them the flowers smelt sweeter. I had flowers in my mask's hair.
I told them that I was so happy. My mask had a big grin.
Sierra said, her happy moment was when she had long hair in 1st grade. She took raffia and made long strands of hair.
Anyway when we were done Sierra said, "Mom, the kids in my class think you are the coolest mom ever because you teach us Art Heritage."
Yeah, for awesome.

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